Rev. James E. Lines, 85
March 31, 2023
Rev. James E. Lines, 85, of Manheim PA, met His Lord and Savior face to face on March 31, 2023. Jim was born in Marion, Indiana to the late Gilbert and Juanita Lines. He was married to O. Frances Lines (Linderman) for 65 years.
Jim was a man of God. He was a missionary with Bible Centered Ministries (BCM International) for 63 years. He loved preaching God’s Word and leading people to Christ. Jim and Fran attended Moody Bible Institute and later served as missionaries in Italy with their family from 1963 to 2014. Jim was involved there in Bible teaching, evangelism, teacher training and publications. He and Fran also founded and directed Camp Maranatha.
Jim had a great sense of humor and enjoyed telling jokes even to strangers. He loved people! Having lived in Arizona during his teen years, he liked to dress occasionally in western attire, and was known by his black cowboy hat! He also greatly enjoyed good food. Most of all, Jim loved being with his family. Jim was a gifted singer and used his musical ability often in evangelistic events. After moving to Manheim in 2014, he took an active part in the choir at Calvary Church. Expressing himself through his music was a big part of his personality.
Jim continued his teaching ministry in the States through teaching an Adult Bible Fellowship class at Calvary, mentoring one-on-one, teaching Italians through Zoom and leading and teaching a CEF Good News Club in a Lancaster County elementary school. He faithfully served the Lord all of his days.
Jim is survived by his wife, Fran Lines of Manheim; children Cherie DeAngelis (Joe) of Media, PA, Laurel Clark (Charles) of Burnsville, MN, and David Lines (Grace) of Kenilworth, England; 7 grandchildren: Tammy Clark, Dana Clark, Lisa Wunder (Zak), Angela Frank (Daniel), Asher Lines, Stefan Lines and Nadine Lines; and siblings Walter Lines (Ruth) and Eileen Nelson (John), both of Washington. His parents, and his siblings Shirley Lines, Michael Lines, and Richard Lines predeceased him.
A viewing and visitation time will take place at Calvary Church, 1051 Landis Valley Rd, Lancaster, Pa 17601 from 9:30 AM to 10:30 AM on April 14th, 2023. A Celebration of Life service will follow at 10:30 AM in the Chapel. The burial will take place at Mellinger’s Mennonite Cemetery, 1916 E. Lincoln Hwy, Lancaster, PA 17602 following the service. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to BCM International, 201 Granite Run Drive, Suite 260, Lancaster, PA 17601- designated for Camp Maranatha, Italy.
The Celebration of Life service will be livestreamed. This can be accessed on the Calvary Church webpage, at A video recording of the service will also be made available through the Calvary Church YouTube channel, available here: It will likely be several days at least after the service until that is uploaded, but then the video recording will remain available at that site.
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Condolences to the Family
May 03, 2023
We knew Jim and Fran during the two years David served in the US Air Force in Rimini. They were church family and the small church there our church home during our time in Italy 1969-1971. We remember well their hospitality and welcome to us. Our condolences to Fran and all their family.
David and Mary Ann Kimball
April 20, 2023
Non ci sembra ancora possibile. Le nostre vite sono piene di ricordi di Jim a Maranatha. Anche il campo in cui ci siamo fidanzati era guidato da Jim e Franca. Al nostro matrimonio abbiamo avuto la gioia di averli con noi. Jim lascia un grande vuoto… che il Signore vi dia tanta forza e consoli i vostri cuori, cara Franca e tutta la vostra famiglia. Alberto, Cristina e famiglia da Brescia
April 14, 2023
With deep emotion I followed the service.
I spent ten years in Rimini, thirty years ago and it wasn’t a useless time.
Waiting to be all together in the Father’s house, may the Lord bless Fran, their children and their families.
Paolo (Bagliani)
April 11, 2023
Condolances to you and your family. He now rests with his Lord, whose E and Gospel he preached to others. May he rest in peace.
Elisa Menotti
April 08, 2023
Fran, even though we weren’t with you and Jim very often, we have good memories. I think maybe the last time was at the Chinese buffet in Falls City. I know Mom and Dad treasured the times they had with you and Jim as well. We will be praying for you and your children as you mourn his loss and celebrate his life. I’m praying for restful nights for you.
April 07, 2023
We are sorry but yet rejoice that Jim has left this earth yet is now with his beloved Savior. Fran, we are praying as you asked. May God allow you good sleep and we know Jim’s service will honor God.
Remembering you both with happy hearts.
April 07, 2023
Ci avete trasmesso tanta gioia nel Signore e tanta simpatia. Vi ricorderemo Con tanto affetto. Dio consoli te cara Franca e la vostra famiglia. Un abbraccio forte. Da me e mio marito Giuseppe
April 07, 2023
Un abbraccio grande a tutta la famiglia❤️
un bacio a Franca❤️
Grazie per tutto!
April 07, 2023
Ho avuto il privilegio di conoscere Jim in Albania (europe) e dopo in Italia . Un fratello carissimo e fedele servitore. Una potente testimonianza ed un esempio di fede che amava con tutto il cuore Dio e la fratellanza, aveva un grande passione per l’Evangelo e la salvezza delle anime perdute . Ci mancherà fin che ci rivedremo nella casa del Padre per sempre . Condoglianze nel Signore. Aranit Kola & Famiglia
April 07, 2023
I thank God because I had the possibility to meet and spend time with Jim. During that, I learned a lot and received the example of a man’s God committed in serving him: what a privilege!
We pray God will heal the pain of the loss you are experiencing now, showing once more the care he has for your family.
“The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; may the name of the Lord be praised”
(Job 1:21)
April 06, 2023
Louis and Christine Diana are greatly saddened to hear the news of Jim’s passing. We do join Fran in cele- brating his arrival to heaven to be with the Lord forever. He and Fran were instrumental in our early months as new converts. Their example and love guided their discipleship techniques to us both in those early days of new faith ( 1980.) They were very influential in setting our paths onto firm ground so that we could grow in the Lord. And I always loved Jim’s silly jokes.
April 06, 2023
I always remember hearing James hearty laugh at our BCM conferences. But deeper than that one knew that he loved the Lord and his mission in life was to make Christ known. I am praying for all of you as he will be greatly missed.
Ján Aucompaugh
April 06, 2023
Dear Fran, I was thinking of you both this morning and laughing at the thought of Jim’s jokes and you saying how you had heard all his jokes so many times. I remember especially the joke about the man hollering across the field and the person listening couldn’t hear him! The funny thing is that I can picture the scene, but I do t remember the words at all. But just thinking about brings back so many memories of you both. Please know that I am praying for you; I can hear Jim’s incredible voice singing and I will always remember his laugh as he told his jokes… Even if I can’t remember the words!! Much love to you, dear friend! Raney Brown
April 06, 2023
Ho conosciuto Jim da adolescente nei convegni giovanili, poi l’ho rivisto nelle evangelizzazioni della provincia di Foggia dove con la sua chitarra ci guidava e cantavamo canti evangelistici. Come dimenticare la testimonianza della sua vita e di come il Signore l’ha amato e fatto di lui un servo fedele! È stato ospite anche in casa nostra ed ora lui ha incontrato anche mio padre Marinacci Antonio di San Nicandro Garganico (FG)che è con il Signore già da 5 anni. Ricordo la storia di Rastus che non so ripetere ma che mi faceva ridere tanto! Le storie raccontate da lui erano sempre avvincenti e divertenti. Ricordo degli insegnenti ad esempio la preghiera del tizio che chiedeva a Dio di togliere le ragnatele dal suo cuore finché Jim non ha consigliato al tizio di chiedere a Dio di uccidere il ragno per eliminare definitivamente le ragnatele. L’ultima volta l’ho rivisto nella mia attuale chiesa di Ancona dove abbiamo condiviso un’agape fraterna e cantato insieme! Per farsi ricordare diceva sempre: “Io mi chiamo Jim….Jim Lines! Lines come i pannolini!” Sempre allegro! Ho bei ricordi di Jim…la notizia della sua partenza mi ha rattristata soprattutto per la famiglia che ora sentirà la sua mancanza, ma sappiamo che è alla presenza del nostro Signore. So che è insieme a mio padre alla presenza di Dio. Un giorno li rincontreremo e canteremo tutti insieme un cantico nuovo al nostro Signore ❤️
Ti abbraccio forte Franca!
Costanza Marinacci
April 06, 2023
My family and I met Jim at Camp Maranatha in Italy when I was a teenager. I remember his jokes and his smile. We could hear him singing from anywhere. He was a true man of God. He will be missed! My deepest condolences to Fran and family.
April 06, 2023
I had the privilege to know Jim since my young age when he was coming to my church in Foggia and singing and preaching his love for Jesus. He is now singing in heaven and met Jesus face to face. For Fran and the family all, I pray for peace during this difficult time. May the Lord bless you and keep you. with love,
Daniela Vairo
April 06, 2023
Conserveremo sempre vivo il ricordo di Jim, un servo fedele del Signore.
Un forte abbraccio cara Franca, a te e famiglia. DIO VI CONSOLI
Enzo Viciconte
April 06, 2023
Thank you, Jim, for loving Italy and teaching about Jesus. Your love, your faith, your smile will always be in my heart. May God’s love hug Franca, his wife, and his family in a special way. Love from Italy, Rosa Battista
April 05, 2023
We enjoyed the time we spent with Jim and Fran when they visited in Minnesota. We appreciated Jim’s faithful sharing of the Gospel when he preached at Apple Valley Baptist. We always admired Jim and Fran’s commitment to continued ministry after leaving Italy. Well done thou good and faithful servant. Praying for God’s comfort and grace.
Pastor Bill & Beth Gould
April 05, 2023
May God contonue to sustain you in this time of Jim’s departure to be wirh the Lord.I hold Jim in high esteem and he has been an encouragement to me as a missionary.
Isabelle Leaitch
April 05, 2023
Psalm 1v1 Blessed is the man who walks not I’m the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers; 2 but his delight is in the law of the Lord…
Like in this psalm Jim was like a tree, a great oak rooted in Christ and his branches reached across the globe, from US to Italy and beyond. A legacy of a man who delighted in the Lord and never stopped sharing the gospel. Fran you were such a duo, you must miss him very much. Praying for God to grant you rest and comfort. Thankful for Jim and that he is now taken into glory in the presence of his heavenly Father x ps the jokes! Will never forget ‘al tre ottanta’!
Emma Hassard
April 05, 2023
We are so sorry to hear about your loss. He was such a cheerful and lively person. May his soul rest in peace. Sending prayers and hugs for you Cherie for your wonderful mom and for your family. ❤️
April 05, 2023
It was truly a blessing knowing you both. I am sure Jim is basking in the love of his Savior and blessed by seeing Jack and Dorothy once again. Our love and prayers are flowing for you Fran. In Christ’s love, Jerry and Darlene
April 05, 2023
I met Jim when I went to Perugia to study the language in 1965, and have been friends ever since. He has always been a source of encouragement in the Lord’s work. Along with my wife, Marion, I send sincere condolences to Fran and the family, assuring you of our prayers. God Bless you all! David and Marion Mead.
April 05, 2023
I feel blessed to have met Jim 3 years ago at Calvary! He and Fran were very welcoming to me at Calvary. I liked his sense of humor with his funny jokes. God Bless.
Judy Angel
April 05, 2023
Mary and I have been blessed by his friendship each time we met in Italy. We believe our nect meeting will be evermore blessed. The Plancks.
April 05, 2023
Jim was for me a great example in being a follower / a disciple of Jesus. A man blessed from God, so he could be a blessing for others.
Mario Carlomagno
April 05, 2023
We never knew Jim Lines personally, but even so, he richly blessed our lives! We read his phenomenal life’s story of an incredible example of God’s amazing grace! And his daughter, Cherie, our very good friend, talked of him constantly. How she loved him! And she passed on that respect, love, and deep appreciation for the kind of man he was! His legacy of service to God will live on in the lives of SO MANY people who were touched by his life! We want to be like him, which in so many ways is being like Jesus
Larry & Vicki Sharp
- Visitation
- Friday, April 14, 2023
- 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM
- Calvary Church
- 1051 Landis Valley Rd
- Lancaster, PA 17601
- Map and Directions
Get Maps and Directions > - Services
- Friday, April 14, 2023
- 10:30 AM
- Calvary Church
- 1051 Landis Valley Rd
- Lancaster, PA 17601
- Map and Directions
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