Rev. Dr. William Gregory Strawbridge, 57
January 26, 2022
Gregg Strawbridge passed away unexpectedly of a heart attack on January 26th, 2022. He was born in the small town of New Albany, Mississippi; the third child born to Shirley and Tyson Strawbridge.
Pastor Gregg, as he was known by many, was a beloved pastor, mentor, friend, son, brother, husband, father, and grandfather.
Rev. Dr. Strawbridge graduated from the University of Southern Mississippi in 1987, where he studied Music Education. There, he met his wife Sharon, and became a believer, where he was involved in campus ministry and grew in grace and truth through the witness of many who remained lifelong friends. He then went on to study at Columbia Bible College and Seminary where he graduated in 1990. Gregg’s expansive academic work includes serving as adjunct professor at several colleges, universities, and seminaries in the fields of music, philosophy, theology, Bible, and education. His educational credentials include a Ph.D. from University of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg, MS, 1994 (Education & Philosophy); M.A. Columbia Biblical Seminary (now Columbia International University), Columbia, SC. (Christian Education); B.M.E. University of Southern Mississippi, 1987 (Music Education, Classical Guitar) and postgraduate studies at Reformed Theological Seminary in Orlando and Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia (Th.M. courses in Reformation History, Theology, and Biblical Counseling & Psychology).
Gregg and Sharon were married in June of 1988, in Utica, MS. In Laurel, MS, Gregg and Sharon had their three daughters and grew close to many wonderful families at Audubon Drive Bible Church, where he served as Assistant Pastor and Director of Music.
From there, the Strawbridge family spent three years in Fort Myers, Florida, where Gregg served as an Associate Pastor and developed a love of windsurfing, and squeezing fresh grapefruit from the trees in the backyard onto grilled salmon. From Florida, the Strawbridge family moved to Lancaster, PA, where he was installed as the first pastor of All Saints Church, where he has shepherded his flock for the past twenty years. Gregg, Sharon, and the girls were part of the community at Veritas Academy, where their daughters graduated, and where Sharon has taught first grade since 2003. Gregg served as a board member, board chairman, and teacher of various classes over the years.
Throughout his life, Gregg’s faith and ministry developed through the lens of Reformed theology for which he will be remembered through his many books, sermons, publications, and audio online ministry, Wordmp3.
Gregg loved learning and teaching, and was a gifted listener and communicator. His zest for life was unmatched. Those close to him will remember his love of music, cooking for his congregants, and laughing, playing music, sailing, fishing, and spending time with his wife and daughters.
His gentle love and care for others was known by everyone he met, as well as his love for Scripture, passion for the kingdom of God, and faith in Jesus Christ. He was a revered and beloved leader among pastors, and teacher of students in pastoral training. His is a loss that will be felt by many communities in the Lancaster County area, and across the country.
Pastor Gregg is known for teaching and quoting the Heidelberg Catechism, especially the first question, “What is my only comfort in life and death?” Gregg lived out this answer to the fullest. His congregation at All Saints Church, and his innumerable friends and family are forever encouraged and deepened in their walk with a faithful and loving God because of Gregg’s influence in their life, no matter how long they had known him.
Gregg is preceded in death by his father, Tyson Strawbridge, and his brother-in-law, Michael Frome. He is survived by his beloved wife Sharon, daughters, Joy, Jenna (husband Taylor Thompson, daughter Marlowe), Juli, mother and stepfather, Shirley and Robert Tucker (and the Tucker children and families), and Gregg’s siblings, Phillip (wife Young Sun, their children and grandchildren) and Christy Strawbridge-Frome.
The Funeral Service will be held at 11am, Thursday, February 3, 2022 at Westminster Presbyterian Church 2151 Oregon Pike, Lancaster, PA 17601, with the family receiving friends from 9-10:30am. Click here to view the service as it is being livestreamed. The family will also be greeting friends on Wednesday evening from 6-8pm at All Saints Church at Salem Hellers Evangelical Reformed Church 2555 Horseshoe Rd, Lancaster, PA 17601. Interment will be in Salem Hellers Church Cemetery following Thursday’s funeral service.
In lieu of flowers, those wishing to honor Pastor Gregg, may do so by supporting the All Saints Church Benevolence Fund, POB 585 Brownstown, PA 17508.
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Condolences to the Family
August 09, 2024
My condolences to Sharon and the whole family. I only just learned of Gregg’s passing and can hardly believe it. I’ve known Gregg since all the way back at Southern Miss. We both graduated from there in 1987. Days tried to catch up with him every year at ETS. It was always a joy to see him. He will be missed.
Steve Cowan
August 07, 2022
I thank the Lord in every remembrance of Gregg – we never met in person, but through my search in the late 90’s and early 00’s (from Southern Baptist) into reformed and covenant theology and especially baptism via the internet. We emailed and he shared his recent journey from credo to paedobaptism, having been charged by his former church to study the issue, and it wound up changing the course of pastoral journey. He sent me draft copies of this booklet, which I read with great eagerness, and his Scriptural exposition laid a foundation that is still with me to this day. On my “baptism” bookshelf, I have still have these copies, which would later become a full-fledged book, that I heartily recommend to those wanting a rich understanding of this sacrament. I have copies of his guitar music on CDs. Our oldest son, now 29, is the one who shared this sad news with me, as he must have remembered Gregg’s books and music and how the Lord used them (him) in my life, and that of my family. My prayers are with you Sharon, your daughters and family. Thank you for sharing Gregg with probably legions of us who you may never know in this life, but we look forward to the great Eternal Fellowship with our Lord Jesus.
February 05, 2022
So Sorry for the loss of Gregg. I have many fond memories of my time with The Strawbridge Family at Audubon Drive Bible Church in Laurel, MS. My heart mourns for his Sweet wife Sharon, his sweet girls and all of his many friends. Prayers for all of you during this time of mourning.
February 03, 2022
Dear Sharon and daughters, was so sad to hear about the passing of your husband and father. He was very instrumental in my husband Bryans life and his teaching and friendship meant a great deal. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family! Laura Davis
February 02, 2022
Sharon, words often do so little. We lift you up in prayer. Hopeful that peace and comfort come quickly.
Bill and Sherry in Mississippi
February 01, 2022
On behalf of the Officers of the Evangelical Theological Society (Eastern Region) we want to extend our sympathy to Gregg’s family and friends, and our appreciation for Gregg’s faithful service for many years as the Secretary/Treasurer for the region. We will remember him for his service to strengthen the region, his friendship, his theological acumen in presentations, and especially his support for us, the current officers, as we learned our positions. May God bless you as He blessed us through Gregg.
Mark Deckard, Mark Hassler, Mark Draper and Daniel Gilbert
February 01, 2022
Gregg’s teaching ministry has been a real blessing to our family. We are so very sorry for your loss. May God give your family his peace and comfort. Bill & Acacia LliorcaWabash, Indiana
January 31, 2022
We were honored to host Pastor Gregg in our home during the Reformation Festival at St Peter Presbyterian Church. We were touched by his vast knowlege and gentle spirit as he answered many of our questions. We were again honored to host Pastor Gregg, Sharon and Joy along with Pastor Laurence and Angela Windham at dinner. Pastor Gregg was late, because he found a place to stop and do some fishing along the way! No worry. While hosting Pastor Gregg on only two occasions, we came to know him intimately and now mourn (for us) the passing of our beloved brother.
Paul and Judy Levine
January 31, 2022
Teresa and I want to extend our most heartfelt condolences to Sharon, your daughters, your extended family, and the entire congregation. We wanted so much to attend the funeral service but alas Covid has struck our home. Greatness is a term that should be used sparingly, but applying it to Gregg is proper. His influence for the cause of Christ will continue for many decades and generations to come. We are much better people for having had Gregg as a brother and friend.
January 31, 2022
Sharon, Joy, Jenna and Juli,Our deepest condolences. May Christ our savior confort you with the love of the Great Shepherd as you walk through the land of the shadow. And may He give you the strength to rejoice that your beloved is resting securely with Him. Teaching with Gregg and Sharon at the Academy were the best years of my life and I often think of you all and pray the Lord is blessing you. I remember discussions with Gregg on theological topics and appreciate his evident love for the Lord and respect for his fellow man. Even when we did not see eye to eye, he expressed his disagreement using “gracious words, seasoned with salt”, as a Christian genltleman ought. Although we have not had the pleasure to see you all for about 17 years, our memories are sweet and our prayer are fervent on your behalf. God bless you as you rest in His providential care.
January 31, 2022
My condolences to the family. May the comfort of the Holy Spirit abound to the family in this difficult time.
January 31, 2022
I am so sad to hear this! I was just with him at Monroe in October. He was kind and gentle as usual. Rest In Peace brother!
January 31, 2022
My sincere condolences to the family. I knew Dr. Strawbridge in person. I met him when he came to Russia to teach the students of our seminary many years ago. I remember his interesting lectures on Christian music which I had to translate from English into Russian and I remember him playing the guitar and singing in the seminary. Nobody has ever taught on Christian music like he did. May God give you comfort!
January 30, 2022
We were so blessed to have had Gregg as our associate pastor at Westminster we love you and will be in prayer for you, in Christ, Matt and Sarah Flower and family, Cape Coral Fl.
January 30, 2022
Thoughts and prayers to you and your family during this difficult time. I am so sorry for your loss.
January 30, 2022
I wish Greg could have lived into his 80’s but he is in Heaven with a new body. His life and lifestyle touched many. Any future grandchildren will hear about his love and devotion to his family and his faith. God bless his family!
January 30, 2022
Though I never knew Greg personally I know what a faithful man of God he was. My deepest condolences to the Strawbridge family and to the members of All Saints Church. May he rest in peace until we meet again.
January 30, 2022
This is a beautiful tribute. Though I only met Gregg briefly, his love for life was evident in that brief meeting. My family is deeply indebted to Sharon for instilling a love of reading/literature and for nurturing a curiousity and love for God’s Word in our daughter at Veritas Academy. We grieve for the whole family, for the congregation of All Saints, and for all who knew and loved him. May the Lord’s presence be tender, close, and bring you comfort. May you be able to process and grieve for as long as needed. May He give you hope. Love, the Landis family
January 30, 2022
Dear Strawbridge Family,
We have never met personally, but your Christmas album has ministered to us for years now. We heard about your music through Pastor Laurence Windham in Bristol, TN. Your family is in our prayers as you walk through this time of grieving.
The Scherer Family
January 29, 2022
Dearest cousin, you and yours are in my prayers. Another angel to watch over us. We love you. Patsy Hammonds Rials, Monroe La.
January 29, 2022
I was shocked by the news. I didn’t know Dr. Strawbridge in person, but he communicated with me and encouraged me to present my first paper at ETS regional. He played a major role in my research in 2017. I don’t think that I would have gained that award without his encouragement. It is sad news for the Christian community, his church, and his family, but I know that he is in the presence of the person whom he talked and long for the most.
My deepest condolences to the family!
“For if the dead are not raised, then Christ has not been raised either” (1 Co 15:16).
January 29, 2022
God deeply blessed his ministry. God bless now his legacy.
His family, will, no doubt continue to bless many. My heart goes out to them.
January 29, 2022
I still cannot believe this is real.
I have been so touched this week to see the outpouring of love for Pastor Gregg, the beauty of the body of Christ, and struck by the depth of our communal grief. In this devastating situation, I am even more grateful for hope.
“What is our only hope in life and death? That I am not my own, but belong with body and soul, both in life and in death, to my faithful Saviour Jesus Christ. ”
Praise God for this faithful servant who I was honored to call Pastor, Boss, and Friend. We are so heartbroken for the Strawbridge family and the Saints at All Saints Church.
January 29, 2022
Very sorry for your loss. Prayers for your family. Heaven gained a great man of God!
January 29, 2022
Gregg was a great friend during my seminary years. We became good friends and had many theological discussions. He taught me new techniques playing the guitar and took crazy risks allowing this novice to play and record with him. Gregg and Sharon married and they became our Sunday evening home for dinners, discussions and a good time.
Gregg was always challenging, open and humbly friendly in all our discussions. Sweet guy.
It is good to know that He is with the Lord!! May the Lord comfort Sharon, the girls and respective families.
- Visitation
- Wednesday, February 02, 2022
- 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
- Salem Hellers Evangelical Reformed Church
- 2555 Horseshoe Rd
- Lancaster, PA
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Get Maps and Directions > - Visitation
- Thursday, February 03, 2022
- 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
- Westminster Presbyterian Church
- 2151 Oregon Pike
- Lancaster, PA
- Map and Directions
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- Thursday, February 03, 2022
- 11:00 AM
- Westminster Presbyterian Church
- 2151 Oregon Pike
- Lancaster, PA
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