Paula Camacho Suarez, 94
April 15, 1926 - November 28, 2020
Paula Camacho Suarez, 94, of Lancaster, passed away on November 28, 2020. Born in Orocovis, Puerto Rico she was the daughter of the late Jose Camacho Caciano and Catalina Suarez Colon. She was the loving wife of Sergio Torres Hernandez until his passing in 2016.
Faith played an important role in Paula’s life. She was dedicated to San Juan Bautista Church, where she assisted in Sunday School and Legion of Mary. She will be fondly remembered for always helping in the church’s kitchen and creating the most delicious meals.
Paula was also proud to be a Democrat. In Puerto Rico and even after she moved to the US, she was very vocal of her political stance and cared for the future of the country. This year’s election was no different, she was happy to participate and learn the outcome of the election before her passing.
Her love will live on in her children: Maria L. Malpica, wife of Jorge L. of Lancaster, Daniel Torres, husband of Angelica Zays of Lancaster, Milda I. Ortiz wife of the late Andres of Southbridge, MA., Elvira Alvarado, wife of Humberto of Southbridge, MA., Virgen Ivette Torres of Lancaster, Nelson Torres, husband of Maria of Quarryville, Magda L. Torres, wife of Otilio Lopez of Puerto Rico and Alix S. Smucker, wife of Christopher of Lancaster, her sister, Eufracia Camacho, wife of Miguel Fretts of Orlando, FL, sixty-two grandchildren, eleven great-grandchildren and eight great-great-grandchildren. She was preceded in passing by her son, Ediberto Torres, four brothers and three sisters.
Friends and family are invited to attend a viewing on Monday, December 7, 2020 from 4:30PM-6:30PM at the Charles F. Snyder Jr. Funeral Home & Crematory, 414 E. King St. Lancaster, PA. A Funeral Service will follow at 6:30PM officiated by Fr. Luis Rodriguez.
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Condolences to the Family
December 08, 2020
My deepest condolences from the bottom of our heart. Your family will be in our prayers.
Elena Acosta
December 07, 2020
Deepest condolences to you Alix and the Family, she has her wings now. A true guardian angel. Dawn Carin Boots
December 06, 2020
Oramos para que Nuestro Señor Jesucristo derrame sobre abundante paz y fortaleza sobre toda la familia durante estos momentos de dolor y angustia. Dios les bendiga!
Debbie & Liche Martinez y Familia🙏🙏
December 04, 2020
Nuestras condolencias para todos los familiares. Descansa en Paz.
Leida Perez
December 04, 2020
Mi querida madre.Hoy descansas ,pero siempre te llevaremos en nuestros corazones.Te amaremos siempre.Alix y familia
December 03, 2020
Tia Paula, siempre estara en nuestros corazones. Siempre recordare las veces que hibamos a tu casa en orocovis, momentos inolvidables. Ahora eres otro angelito que tenemos en el cielo. Mis condolencias a todos mis primos.
Tu sobrina Grisel y familia
December 03, 2020
December 03, 2020
Abuela te vamos a extrañar mucho, te encantaba que nos quedáramos en tu casa para tener la casa llena, gracias por todos los momentos buenos que pasamos,
Fam Soto Lopez (La gemela) de Magda y Otilio
Gracias gracias descansa en paz
December 03, 2020
Descanse en paz tía Paula. Un abrazo fuerte para todos mis amados primos. Nunca la olvidaremos. Vuela alto tía y sonríe en la mansión Celestial junto a mi tío Sergio y mi amado Eddie.
Minerva Peña , Naldy y familia
December 03, 2020
Bella persona…bella familia le doy Gracias a Dios por haberme permitido conocerla. Descansa Paula en tú morada celestial. Y le pido a Dios que llene de fortaleza a toda la familia. Y que aunque los patriarcas de la familia hayan partido se mantengan unidos como el árbol que todas las ramas crecen en direcciones diferentes pero a la larga todas pertenecen a un mismo tronco!💕. Miriam ( Ivette’s caregiver)
December 03, 2020
My abuela/mami I never thought the day that you’ll leave us it was never in my mind cause in my world you lived forever and always was going to be around I have so much memory of you that I can write a book about it you was always there for me I couldn’t imagine my life without you I miss your cooking I miss you gorgeous face I miss your loving arms when you hugged me your passionate kisses when I say bendicion I’m glad you got to see Jaylis you always compared her to me called her little Sandrita cause she looked so much like me you fulfilled a full life and seen so much and now it’s time to rest and be with abuelo/papi and take care of him now you both can watch over us I love you so much and I miss you unconditionally you will never be forgotten and be forever MISSED! Love Sandry and Jaylis ❤️❤️❤️
December 03, 2020
Mi querida Paula cuanto lla te extrañamos tratamos lo mas que pudimos de aguantarte aqui con nosotros pero yo se que lla no podias que necesitabas descansar eternamente con tus seres queridos que lla te estan esperando te guardaremos tus recuerdos en nuestra corazon gracias por todo lo que me ayudastes y los muchos ratos compartidos donde siempre ivamos preguntaban “is this your mother’s ‘ nunca dije que no porque siempre tu y Don Sergio fueron mis segundo Padres. Te quiero mucho y descansa lla mi Viejita que lo necesitas. Hasta luego
Nelly Torres
December 02, 2020
Mi Abuela y mi hermosa familia rodeados por el a mor del senor – bendiciones … descanse en paz- Neidy y familia….los extranaremos y amaremos por siempre …..
Eneida Alvarado
December 02, 2020
Elvira, Humerto and family …. so very sad when Eneida shared the news. You have been on my mind more often than not. A beautiful obituary, a loving and caring mother. Love, B (Eneida’s friend)
December 02, 2020
Eneda thinking of you and your family at this time of sorrow lots of love and light.
Marci Leonard
- Visitation
- Monday, December 07, 2020
- 4:30 PM - 6:30 PM
- Charles F. Snyder Funeral Home & Crematory
- 414 East King Street
- Lancaster, PA 17602
- Map and Directions
Get Maps and Directions > - Services
- Monday, December 07, 2020
- 6:30 PM
- Charles F. Snyder Funeral Home & Crematory
- 414 East King Street
- Lancaster, PA 17602
- Map and Directions
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